Airex Model 108-10TRP-6 (baghouse) dust collector with explosion relief panels,catwalk and ladder,certified ATEX (No Return Valve) and a rotary airlock collecting metal dust.
Airex model 396-10-TRP-6 40,000 CFM Top-Loading Baghouse Collector with walk-in plenum, screw conveyor and trickle valve collecting reclaim sand in a foundry.
Airex model 396-10-TRP-6 40,000 CFM Top-Loading Baghouse Collector with walk-in plenum, screw conveyor and trickle valve collecting reclaim sand in a foundry.
Airex model 396-10-TRP-6 40,000 CFM Top-Loading Baghouse Collector with walk-in plenum, screw conveyor and trickle valve collecting reclaim sand in a foundry.
Airex Bagsonix 288-10TR top-loading bag house with walk in clean air plenum used for the collection of steel dust with an Airex High Efficient cyclone with rotary air valve.
Airex Bagsonix top-loading baghouse 288-10TR with walk in plenum used for the collection of dust from high-speed robotic grinders. This system is monitored by a Hansentek AN6400 spark detection system and abort damper.
Airex High Efficient cyclone used as a pre-filter for an Airex bag house. Also shown is the 40 return air abort damper.
Airex Bag house ductwork connected to several Bayder grinders and high speed robotic grinders to collect dust.
Airex model 81-10TR-6 baghouse dust collector collecting foundry dust.
Airex model 81-10TR-6 baghouse dust collector and model DCCH-9 cartridge dust collector collecting foundry dust.
Airex model 54-10TR-6 baghouse dust collector and model 16BV-8 baghouse bin vent dust collector collecting foundry dust
Airex model 81-10TR-6 baghouse dust collector and model DCCH-30 cartridge dust collector collecting foundry dust.
Airex model 81-10TR-6 baghouse dust collector and model DCCH-30 cartridge dust collector and model 16BV8 baghouse bin vent dust collector collecting foundry dust.
Airex Model DCCH -24-SB (cartridge type) Dust Collector collecting silica dust from a foundry knockout area.
Airex Model 108-10TR-6 (Baghouse) Dust Collector collecting steel shot blast dust.
Farr GS-16 (Gold Series) Dust Collector collecting steel shot blast dust from a Wheelabrator Machine.
Wheelabrator (shot-blast) machine creates steel dust that is collected by a Farr GS-16 (Gold Series) Dust Collector located outside the building.
Airex (cartridge) dust collector ducted to a 20ft. X 14ft. X 12ft. sand blasting room.
Sand blasting concrete parts.
Filter 1 Blow Off Booth used to blow off the cast iron dust from workers' clothes before they enter the locker room.
Airflow Systems Power Booth modules used for collecting cast iron dust in a large debur area.
Airflow Systems Power Booth modules used for collecting cast iron dust in a large debur area.
Airflow Systems Power Booth modules used for collecting cast iron dust are also used as a perimeter wall for the debur area.
Farr Model GS - 16 (Gold Series) Dust Collector collecting foundry dust.
Farr Model GS - 16 (Gold Series) Dust Collector side view showing the optional explosion vent and abrasive inlet plenum.
Airex Model 108-10TRP-6 12,000 cfm baghouse collecting ceramic dust.
Explosion relief panels, top access plenum, catwalk and ladder and rotary airlock on an Airex Model 108-10TRP-6 baghouse dust collector.
Sternvent Model SPV 0610 Dust Collector collecting salt dust.
A source capture hood is being applied around a brown paper bag to collect the airborne salt dust before it reaches the breathing zone of the operator.
An 8,000 CFM Airex Model DCCH 16 Dust Collector with an Airex (Pre-Filtering) Cyclone that is collecting stainless steel dust from a Saw Polisher, Deburring Machine and a Straightener Machine.
An inside view of the plant that shows the enclosures and ductwork to the Deburring Machine and the Straightener Machine.
A 22,000 cfm Airex dust collector and an 8,000 cfm Airflow Systems mist collector ventilating a large machining center enclosed by a pre-fabbed building to contain the dust and smoke.
Airex Model DCCH-16 x 2 dust collectors with a 50 hp blower picking up cast iron dust from a large machining center.
Airflow Systems Model DCH -2 -10 Dust Collectors collecting dust from a food processing plant.
Denray Model 4896LP Down Draft Table collecting fiberglass and wood dust. This model size is 4 ft x 8 ft with an adjustable height from 26 inches to 38 inches done by a hydraulic push button.
Airex Model 240 W 10 (Bag House) 18,000 CFM Dust Collector collecting cement dust from a Block manufacturing facility.
Airex Model 54-10TR- 6 Dust Collector collecting stone dust.
Airex Model DCCH- 30 Dust Collector collecting manganese dust from a manufacturing plant.
Airflow Systems Model DC-8 Dust Collector with explosion vent ducted to the outside of the building collecting corn starch dust.
Airflow Systems 7ft. Stainless Steel Flexible Extraction Arm Assembly collecting dust from a bag dumping operation.
Airflow Systems 8ft. Stainless Steel Flexible Extraction Arm Assembly collecting dust from a scaling area.
Clean Air America Model DFC-24 Dust Collector outside wire draw room.
Ductwork connected directly to wire draw machines collecting dust.
KEI Model 4015 Wet Dust Collector collecting aluminum dust from several machines.
Airflow Systems Model DCH-2 Stainless Steel Dust Collector connected to an Airflow Systems Hi-Flow Stainless Flexible Arm Assembly collecting spice dust.
Airflow Systems 10ft. boom with a 7ft flexible extraction arm assembly attached to it collecting spice dust.
Sternvent Model SPV-16-25 Stainless Steel Dust Collector collecting spice dust.
Airflow Systems Model DC-12 Dust Collector collecting dry media dust from a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant.
Sternvent Model CYD 3620 Cyclone Dust Collector collecting dust from several buffing wheels.
Filter 1 Model PFV- 6- 5 Dust Collector collecting steel shot-blast dust.
Filter 1 Benchtron Downdraft Table with a HEPA afterfilter collecting lead dust from a Battery Manufacturing plant.
Filter 1 Dustron Dust Control Booth collecting wood dust from an orbital sander.
Denray 4ft x 8ft Down Draft Table collecting wood dust.
Filter 1 Dustron Dust Control Booth - 36 FT. long x 8 FT. deep x 10 FT. high collecting sanding dust.